From: maja jurcic
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:40 AM

Dear Mr and Mrs Akleman,

As promised, below my home address with my parents. I have not really settled down yet in Berlin. Whenever you find time, I would be most happy if you sent me some photographs of Kubilay and myself. He was always travelling so much that he never got 'round to showing those photographs he took in Sarajevo to me.

Kubilay was very dear to me. I miss so much. You can be very proud of your son. He was a very intelligent young man with an extremely original sense of humour, yet at the same time serious, sensitive and caring.

I really hope I have a chance to meet you some time in the future and tell you more about the time we had together in Sarajevo. With warmest regards,


Maja Jurcic
85072 Eichstaett